Why You Should Pose Nude
Why You Should Pose Nude Modeling Katja Gee I was warned about nude modeling on my very first shoot. The photographer I was working with told me in serious tones that she would never ask me to pose nude—and to be wary of any photographer that did. According to her, anyone who wanted me to disrobe was a predator and a pervert. The warnings didn’t stop there. As I did more research into modeling, I read countless articles that cautioned against posing nude, especially for new models. The pictures would be on the Internet forever, the authors warned, and could ruin future job opportunities. Besides, what would your mother think if she found out? Model: Katja Gee; Photographer: Art Silva To an extent, these warnings hold water. (Although for the record, none of my art nude photographers have ever been predatory, and my mother loves my work). It’s true that the images will be around forever. If you…