Read more about the article Visualizing the True Size of Africa
Visualizing the True Size of Africa

Visualizing the True Size of Africa

Published 3 days ago on February 19, 2020 ByJeff Desjardins Mapped: The True Size of Africa Take a look at any map, and it’s clear that the African continent is a big place. However, despite the common perception that Africa is a large landmass, it’s still one that is vastly underestimated by most casual map viewers. The reason for this is that the familiar Mercator map projection tends to distort our geographical view of the world in a crucial way — one that often leads to misconceptions about the relative sizes of both countries and continents. A Geographical Jigsaw Today’s infographic comes from Kai Krause and it shows the true size of Africa, as revealed by the borders of the countries that can fit within the continent’s shape. The African continent has a land area of 30.37 million sq km (11.7 million sq mi) — enough to fit in the…

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Apple fined for slowing down old iPhones

7 February 2020 Apple has been fined 25 million euros (£21m, $27m) for deliberately slowing down older iPhone models without making it clear to consumers. The fine was imposed by France's competition and fraud watchdog DGCCRF, which said consumers were not warned. In 2017, Apple confirmed that it did slow down some iPhones, but said it only did so to "prolong the life" of the devices. Apple said in a statement that it had resolved the issue with the watchdog. Why does Apple slow down old iPhones? Many customers had long suspected that Apple slowed down older iPhones to encourage people to upgrade when a new one was released. In 2017, the company confirmed it did slow down some models as they aged, but not to encourage people to upgrade. It said the lithium-ion batteries in the devices became less capable of supplying peak current demands, as they aged over…

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Read more about the article Better Schools Won’t Fix America
Better Schools Won’t Fix America

Better Schools Won’t Fix America

Edmon de Haro Like many rich Americans, I used to think educational investment could heal the country’s ills—but I was wrong. Fighting inequality must come first.July 2019 Issue Nick Hanauer Founder of the public-policy incubator Civic Ventures Long ago, I was captivated by a seductively intuitive idea, one many of my wealthy friends still subscribe to: that both poverty and rising inequality are largely consequences of America’s failing education system. Fix that, I believed, and we could cure much of what ails America. This belief system, which I have come to think of as “educationism,” is grounded in a familiar story about cause and effect: Once upon a time, America created a public-education system that was the envy of the modern world. No nation produced more or better-educated high-school and college graduates, and thus the great American middle class was built. But then, sometime around the 1970s, America lost its…

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Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

A review of the best commentary on and around the world... Today's must-read The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite. So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page. This is not news, you say. Perhaps, but the two professors have conducted exhaustive research to try to present data-driven support for this conclusion. Here's how they explain it: Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. In English: the wealthy few move policy, while the average American has little power. The two professors came to this conclusion after reviewing answers to 1,779 survey questions asked between 1981 and 2002 on public policy issues. They broke the responses down by income level, and then…

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Dangers of WI-FI

9th Grade Students Gain the Attention of Scientists After Their Experiment Reveals a Dark Truth About WiFi We have long encouraged students to find ways to connect with their school work, making it interesting and personal, holding their attention longer and allowing them to see more success. This was the case at a school in northern Jutland, where a group of 9th-grade students recently embarked on a biology experiment inspired by their own personal experiences with concentrating. Lea Nielsen, one of the students, explained: “We all think we have experienced difficulty concentrating in school, if we had slept with the phone next to our head, and sometimes also experienced having difficulty sleeping.” From left: Lea Nielsen, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau and Rikke Holm. Photo: Kim Horsevad Source:   Curious about the shared experience, the group of girls designed an experiment to investigate the impact of wi-fi radiation…

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Tips on photographing dancers and ballerinas

Tips on photographing dancers and ballerinas Photographing a talented dancer / model, Anna L Russel (Instagram ), in the studio, I wanted to think further than just sequences. Recently I have moved more to thinking in terms of larger projects or longer-term projects, even if just over a single photo session. I liked the results from the first few jumps Anna did – explosive movements within which she’s momentally hold a pose before landing again.  I don’t know much about dance movements or what would be the perfect execution of a dance move … which would then affect my timing of the shot. During the shoot, looking at the photos on the back of my camera, she explained to me things to look out for in the dancer’s movements. She gave me tips on photographing dancers and ballerinas – what I, as the photographer, should be looking at in terms of the…

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Mom Illustrates What It’s Like To Have Kids In 25 Honest Illustrations

By​ Monika Some say being president is the hardest job in the world, but Nathalie Jomard disagrees. According to this French artist, there is nothing tougher than raising a child, and she has created playful and honest illustrations to prove it. From huge body changes to not being able to peacefully go to the bathroom, Nathalie included a lot of the struggles women go through during different stages of maternity, and it's a real eye-opener for anyone who takes their mom for granted. Scroll down for the images, vote for your favorite ones and let us know in the comments if you agree that motherhood is the most responsible 'position.' #1 The First Time You Breastfeed Is Unforgettable #2 You Can't Find Peace Even When Sitting On The Toilet #3 Ahh Those Sweet Weekend Mornings When Your Child Wakes Up At 5 Am #4 Trying To Act All Put-Together When...…

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Disabled chefs serve as model for change in Morocco

RABAT, Morocco (AP) — A remarkable restaurant in Morocco’s capital offers its guests the opportunity to enjoy a full, fresh meal for just $6. But what’s most remarkable are its chefs: all are developmentally disabled. Moroccan salad, grilled meat, Basque rice and lemon mousse are on the menu of the day at the restaurant, part of broader efforts by the Hadaf association that runs it to integrate disabled youth into Moroccan society and the job market, and change perspectives on disability. “At first it’s not an easy thing to teach them cooking, but day after day, thanks to their desire for learning and their passion, they are really developing capacities in the cooking field,” explains Nora Hachami, a specialist trainer at Hadaf. Since its opening in April, the restaurant has enjoyed very favorable reviews. Its customers say they appreciate the quality of the food, the low prices and the commitment…

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256 Years Old Man Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals SHOCKING Secrets To The World

Original Link: By Amanda Greene Author What is the longest a person has ever lived for? Meet Li Ching Yuen, a man who lived an astonishing 256 years!  And no, this is not a myth or a fictional tale. According to a 1930 New York Times article, Wu Chung-chieh, a professor of the Chengdu University, discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday,  and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877. In 1928, a New York Times correspondent wrote that many of the old men in Li’s neighborhood asserted that their grandfathers knew him when they were boys, and that he at that time was a grown man. Li Ching Yuen reportedly began his herbalist career at the age of 10, where he gathered herbs in mountain ranges and learned of their potency for longevity. For almost 40 years, he survived on a diet of herbs such…

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Cicada Invasion?

DC metropolitan area peeps. Do you remember these guys? Some cicadas are coming out this year already. Two days ago I noticed many shells on trees, walls and random vertical surfaces. I thought it was a bit early for cicadas. The yearly ones, big green/brown, don't show up until July or so. Then, it is last morning (5/16/2017) where I saw this guy on the bush in front of my door. Darker body and red eyes. Last time they invaded the area it was 2004, so I thought this year was IT again. However, specialists on the news said this is just a few that come out earlier. So this is just a little preview of the 3 Billion that is expected to hatch in 4 years from now.

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