Doing Dishes Is the Worst

Photo by: Mardis Coers / Getty Every day, they slowly accumulate. Plates covered in sauces and crumbs. Bowls with a fine layer of sticky who-knows-what. Forks, knives, and spoons all gummed with bits of this and that. At the end of a long day of work, cooking, cleaning, and, for many, negotiating with small children, a couple has to face the big question: Who is going to do the dishes? A report from the Council of Contemporary Families (CCF), a nonprofit that studies family dynamics, suggests that the answer to that question can have a significant impact on the health and longevity of a relationship. The study examined a variety of different household tasks—including shopping, laundry, and housecleaning, and found that, for women in heterosexual relationships, it’s more important to share the responsibility of doing the dishes than any other chore. Women who wash the vast majority of the dishes…

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Billionaire Musk releases all Tesla patents to help save the Earth

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Shanghai's Mayor Ying Yong attend the Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory groundbreaking ceremony in Shanghai, China Jan. 7, 2019. Aly Song, Reuters SAN FRANCISCO - Elon Musk announced Thursday he had released all of the electric carmaker Tesla's patents, as part of an effort to fight climate change. In a blog post, the colorful billionaire founder of Tesla promised the company "will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology." It was a remarkable move in an industry where the smallest idea or seed of invention is carefully guarded to protect its monetary value.  And it in fact came on the same day US prosecutors charged a Chinese national with stealing secrets from Apple's self-driving vehicle project. "Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport," Musk said. "If we clear a path to the creation of compelling…

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D.C. Council gives final approval to Airbnb regulations

Property owners won’t be able to use secondary homes for short-term rentals under the new rules By Andrew Giambrone Nov 15, 2018, 11:54am EST D.C. residents who use Airbnb or similar booking services to rent out their homes will likely have to abide by new regulations starting next October, when they are set to go into effect. The policies represent the first time the city has charted comprehensive laws for short-term rental units—an effort that has sparked a fierce debate spanning roughly the past two years. District lawmakers on Tuesday unanimously green-lit rules for short-term rentals, after they had delayed a final vote on the rules last month. The legislation bans property owners from renting out any homes other than their primary residences for fewer than 30 days at a time, commonly done through platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO. It also restricts to 90 the total number of days…

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The Yamas & One-Night Stands: A Yogi Perspective on Sex

  I’ve always been the girl who felt uncomfortable with one-night stands. But being a single, adult female, I quickly learned that my standards of needing a relationship before sex were, well, old-school. Not putting out within the first three dates is a guaranteed way to not hear back from a potential mate. Instead of giving into society’s new norm of casual sex, I found another way to feel fulfilled and still play the game of adult dating. Now, sometimes casual sex is great. (Okay, a lot of the time.) But dating in my early 20s is a scary, muddy puddle that I’m supposed to just know how to swim. Naturally. After a few bad fish, I had to ask myself, “How can I get what I want and still make sure I leave the other person better than I found them and without compromising my true feelings?” As a…

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Emotional General Motors Workers Seen Wiping Away Tears After Company Lays Off 14,500 People

By Jack Phillips November 28, 2018 Updated: November 28, 2018 Photos this week show emotional General Motors workers in Ontario, Canada, wiping away tears after the company laid off more than 14,000 employees just days before the holidays. The firm made the announcement on Nov. 26, saying it will shutter seven plants in the United States and Canada. It said it plans to cut 15 percent of its workforce to save $6 billion and adapt to “challenging market conditions,” and it will abandon many car models. “I don’t know how I’m going to feed my family,” Matt Smith, a worker at an Ontario factory, said outside the plant, reported. “It’s hard. It’s horrible.” Smith said his wife also works at the plant, adding they have an 11-month-old baby. Members of Unifor local 222 gather at the union hall before the press conference with union leaders in Oshawa, Ontario, on…

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Kavanaugh Has Exposed the Savage Amorality of America’s Ruling Class

How the DC establishment has responded to his confirmation controversy tells us an awful lot. Brett Kavanaugh in 2009. Photo by Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty For decades, Brett Kavanaugh has traveled through the ranks of the conservative movement as smoothly as food slides down the gullet of a force-fed foie gras duck. An elite private high school, Yale, Yale Law School, a series of clerkships for conservative judges, a spot on Ken Starr's team during his investigation of Bill Clinton, a gig as a lawyer in George W. Bush's White House, and, thanks to Bush, a federal judgeship. When Donald Trump—or really, the right-wing Federalist Society—nominated Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court this summer, a fleet of shiny legal establishment types gushed over the pick, declaring him a fine legal mind and an upstanding citizen. One of Kavanaugh's old professors, a self-described Hillary Clinton supporter named Akhil Reed Amar, called him a…

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WATCH: Donald Trump’s Sexual Predator Friends

  This morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about the night she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, the judge nominated to the Supreme Court by a president who is a self-admitted sexual predator. She believed she was about to be raped and thought she might die. How did we end up here? How does a man with multiple, credible allegations of sexual assault make it this far, on the brink of a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court? First of all, we've always been here. Forever. None of this is new. Women have had to suffer this since the beginning of time. And men have always had friends in high places and systems set up to make sure they've never had to face any consequences for their actions. The media, over the decades, have failed to confront this issue and have…

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No Response After an Interview? Here’s What to Do If You’ve Been Ghosted

By Robert Half August 28, 2018 at 11:45am   You met the hiring manager two weeks ago and thought the conversation went well, yet there’s still been no response after the interview. This might be due to the rise of workplace ghosting. Job seekers across the United States are experiencing an increase in career-related ghosting — the act of the company vanishing, going dark or pulling away at some point in the hiring process without explanation. The term arose in the dating world, but perfectly applies to a phenomenon job seekers are encountering. From an employer's perspective, informing people that they didn’t get the job is not particularly fun or easy. Instead of breaking the disappointing news of an official rejection, some employers may avoid the situation altogether or provide no response after the interview to keep you as a back-up option should their top choice fall through. How can…

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World Naked Gardening Day is May 6th

  World Naked Gardening Day is an opportunity to pull weeds, plant flowers, and harvest vegetables while getting some sun where it doesn’t usually shine. While you might get a little dirty, the intention is good, clean, fun in the sun, and a move towards becoming more comfortable in our skin with “non-sexual nudity.” Photo used with permission of World Naked Gardening Day website Inspired by World Naked Bike Ride events, Mark Storey (consulting editor for Nude & Natural magazine) and permaculturalist Jacob Gabriel founded World Naked Gardening Day as a project of Body Freedom Collaborative (BFC). Some of Storey’s other mischievous pranks are rooted in guerrilla gardening in urban environments. Corky Stanton of Clothes Free International assisted Storey with web hosting and promotion of the project. Stanton also provided web hosting and promotion for World Naked Bike Ride from the beginning of the project. The event is not intended to be a large gathering at…

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Read more about the article Thanks Mozilla: Facebook Users Activity Tracking Days Are Over!
Mark Zuckerberg

Thanks Mozilla: Facebook Users Activity Tracking Days Are Over!

Mozilla Launches 'Facebook Container' Extension To Block Facebook Tracking © getty In the wake of revelations over Facebook’s data collection practices, Mozilla has launched a new extension for its popular Firefox web browser that can prevent Facebook from tracking user activity around the web.The new Firefox extension, dubbed Facebook Container, walls in Facebook’s tracking mechanisms and only allows the service to view and track user activity while a person is on Facebook’s own platforms.When a user ventures off of Facebook, the extension goes to work to prevent Facebook’s many methods of tracking user activity on other sites. Facebook typically uses such information to create highly targeted advertising that then appears for the user when they return to Facebook or any of its related products. © Provided by IBT US Facebook typically tracks users around the web with what it calls a Pixel—a small piece of code that site operators place…

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Read more about the article Why It’s Okay To Cut Toxic Family Members Out of Your Life
Cut Toxic Family Members

Why It’s Okay To Cut Toxic Family Members Out of Your Life

We get it, your connection with your family is supposed to be this mythical bond that nobody and nothing can break—however, sometimes it’s okay to distance yourself from certain family members, even if that means cutting them off indefinitely. You should never compromise your mental, emotional or physical health for the sake of tolerating a toxic family member. Before you start blocking Aunt Susan and your second cousin, it’s important to recognize the signs of a toxic person: 1. They’re judgmental. Constructive criticism is healthy, but persistent, unwarranted criticism can deteriorate anyone’s self-esteem. 2. They feed off drama. Have you ever turned to a family member for some personal advice? Yet, somehow after you’ve shared your most vulnerable moments with them—someone you thought was a trusted ally—somehow everyone in your family knows everything about your personal life (including your distant cousin in Hungary, who you’ve never met). 3. They gaslight…

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Read more about the article United States Federal Court Rules Females are Free to Display Their Breasts in Public

United States Federal Court Rules Females are Free to Display Their Breasts in Public

This has been ruled because there is no difference when it comes to male and female breasts. This ruling is something that will anger some and empower others. In this modern day and age, it has been a battle, to say the least when it comes to whether a person should be granted the right to be nude in public or not. Of course, this questions morals and ethics and is considered ‘dirty’ and profane by most. When you look at places like Europe there are select places a person could go and be in the nude without being judged and in other places like say Africa a person would (mostly women) be punished for going anywhere in their birthday suit. Some places here in the United States have their own laws regarding being nude and even on how people should cover themselves in public. As I am sure you…

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Taking a sabbatical changed my life. Here’s why you should do it too

  If you have spent a good amount of time – say more than five years – working as a professional, the chances are you will have been caught up in the cycle of promotions and salary increments, and may have lost the drive to pursue interests you always wanted to but never got round to. So, can you do something about it? The answer, fortunately, is a resounding yes. After four years of working for Procter and Gamble, I felt a need to break out of the routine which had set in and explore my passions in life. I was enjoying my work and I was constantly challenged every day. Fortunately, the work culture even allowed for a good work-life balance. But something was missing. After a little digging, I found that P&G allowed a sabbatical of three months for employees that had worked there for five years. I…

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Facebook politically categorizes you without your consent!

Unless you've managed to avoid your Facebook feed for the last year and half, no doubt you've learned a whole lot more about your friends' and family's political views than you ever cared to. And even if you've personally made a conscious effort to stay neutral or discreet about your leanings in the midst of the madness, the reality is that Facebook has a pretty good idea of your political preferences anyway. That's because included amongst the hordes of data Zuckerberg and Co. are constantly collecting about you in order to better serve up ads is an inference about how liberal, moderate, or conservative you might be. Here's how to find out what you've been categorized as, and how to change it. Screenshot via Facebook Log into your Facebook account on a desktop and head to this page. Here, you'll see all of your so-called "ad preferences," divided up by interest…

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Nude Art Modeling Allows Me to Travel the World

This industry has its creeps and its pitfalls, but I love the freedom and the creativity it offers. I've posed among ancient Mayan ruins in the Yucatán Peninsula, reclined across white sand beaches in Queensland, and balanced on rocks in a crystal-clear Irish lake at sunrise. I've looked out from the bow of a Californian shipwreck like a figurehead and posed nude on horseback in the deserts of Utah. This is just a small sampling of the incredible places my job has taken me in the last two and a half years. At the age of 24, I've had the privilege of visiting 32 countries across five continents—something I never would have been able to accomplish without freelance art modeling. Photo by Dan Van Winkle It all started for me back in 2011, when I was 18 and living outside of Toronto. One of my friends was doing “trade for…

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