Kavanaugh Has Exposed the Savage Amorality of America’s Ruling Class

How the DC establishment has responded to his confirmation controversy tells us an awful lot. Brett Kavanaugh in 2009. Photo by Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty For decades, Brett Kavanaugh has traveled through the ranks of the conservative movement as smoothly as food slides down the gullet of a force-fed foie gras duck. An elite private high school, Yale, Yale Law School, a series of clerkships for conservative judges, a spot on Ken Starr's team during his investigation of Bill Clinton, a gig as a lawyer in George W. Bush's White House, and, thanks to Bush, a federal judgeship. When Donald Trump—or really, the right-wing Federalist Society—nominated Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court this summer, a fleet of shiny legal establishment types gushed over the pick, declaring him a fine legal mind and an upstanding citizen. One of Kavanaugh's old professors, a self-described Hillary Clinton supporter named Akhil Reed Amar, called him a…

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Cats Are Actually Nice, Scientists Find

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  Sorry, haters. Let me tell you about my handsome son, Mizue. He's a cat. He cuddles up beside me and pushes his little furry head against me when he wants to be petted. He purrs and rubs up on everyone he meets. He's the best dude, is what I'm saying here, and I am goddamn sick of people saying that cats aren't nice. Cats are nice. But don't take my word for it. Thanks to new research from Oregon State University, published on Friday in Behavioural Processes, there is scientific evidence that cats are, according to empirical study, nice. In fact, the study concluded, cats like interacting with humans more than they like eating food. Let that sink in: more than food. I don't like anybody more than food. The motivation for the study was to apply cognitive tests that have already be tried out on dogs and tortoises…

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METALLICA Breaks Revenue Records At Grand Forks, North Dakota’s Alerus Center

  According to the Grand Forks Herald, METALLICA's September 8 concert at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota broke records for ticket revenue and other sales. The event, which drew nearly 17,000 fans as part of the band's "WorldWired" tour, resulted in the highest-grossing ticket sales in the building's history, said Anna Rosburg, Alerus Center general manager. The stadium holds 21,000. It also broke highest-grossing records for food and beverage sales, merchandise sales, and partnership revenues for one show since the Alerus opened in February 2001, Rosburg said. Country music singer George Strait holds the record for highest attendance at an Alerus Center concert, having drawn about 19,500 for a February 2013 performance. "We did not break the [attendance] record [with the METALLICA concert, but had an excellent turnout and we appreciate the community's support in this exciting event," said Rosburg. Earlier in the year, METALLICA landed on…

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No Response After an Interview? Here’s What to Do If You’ve Been Ghosted

By Robert Half August 28, 2018 at 11:45am   You met the hiring manager two weeks ago and thought the conversation went well, yet there’s still been no response after the interview. This might be due to the rise of workplace ghosting. Job seekers across the United States are experiencing an increase in career-related ghosting — the act of the company vanishing, going dark or pulling away at some point in the hiring process without explanation. The term arose in the dating world, but perfectly applies to a phenomenon job seekers are encountering. From an employer's perspective, informing people that they didn’t get the job is not particularly fun or easy. Instead of breaking the disappointing news of an official rejection, some employers may avoid the situation altogether or provide no response after the interview to keep you as a back-up option should their top choice fall through. How can…

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This map shows the US really has 11 separate ‘nations’ with entirely different cultures

  Mark Abadi Jun. 18, 2018, 5:04 PM Colin Woodard The United States has many regions, and author Colin Woodard argues that it can be divided into 11 sub-nations. Woodard's defined nations range from the "Deep South" to the "Midlands" and "El Norte." The cultural differences between them contribute to the political tensions between states and how they fit into the US overall, he said. The United States comprises several different regions, each with its own rich history and cultural identity. Exactly where those regions start and end has been a long-running debate, but according to author Colin Woodard, the United States can be divided into 11 distinct sub-nations. Woodard mapped out the regions in his 2012 book "American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America." Some of his regions might sound familiar, like the "Deep South"; others might surprise American readers, like his "Midlands"…

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Recent Study Shows How Sunscreen Causes Cancer, Not the Sun

  Did you know that despite the invention of sunscreen, cases of skin cancers are on the rise every year? Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D., is a California-based scientist who has shown that malignant melanoma and all other skin cancers increased significantly with ubiquitous sunscreen use over a 30-year period. Sunscreens contain chemicals that are known carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC). So why so much faith in sunscreen? What’s going on here? Sunscreen is a product we’ve been sold that we cannot live without. But just think about what we did for the thousands of years before it’s invention. The sun has been a source of life since the beginning of human existence and has many benefits to the human body. The Sun Doesn’t Harm Us Firstly, the sun doesn’t harm us. It only nourishes us. There’s even really good science to prove this. One of the latest major studies was published…

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Anthony Bourdain dead at 61

July 27, 2017: Anthony Bourdain on the ferry to Vashon Island while filming Parts Unknown in Seattle, Washington on July 27, 2017. (photo by David Scott Holloway) New York (CNN)Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers around the world, has died. He was 61. CNN confirmed Bourdain's death on Friday and said the cause of death was suicide. "It is with extraordinary sadness we can confirm the death of our friend and colleague, Anthony Bourdain," the network said in a statement Friday morning. "His love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller. His talents never ceased to amaze us and we will miss him very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and family at this incredibly difficult time." Anthony Bourdain on January 4, 2017, in Port of Spain, Trinidad…

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Okra Controls Hunger And Diabetes, Lowers Cholesterol, Removes Fatigue And Kills Breast Cancer

Okra (Hibiscus Esculentus), also known as gumbo, lady’s fingers, kiabo and okro, is a plant of Ethiopian origin, although it is now grown and cultivated all over the world. The pod of the vegetable has a greenish color and tiny seeds which can be added to broths, stews and salads. Thanks to its rich nutrient profile, okra has been used as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems in the past. People have been using the vegetable to lower high cholesterol, control diabetes, curb cravings and even destroy cancer cells. Here are some of the health benefits of okra: Curbs Your Cravings Okra is rich in soluble fiber which will make you stay full for longer. By making you feel full for a longer period, okra will reduce your cravings and prevent weight gain. Treats Fatigue Fatigue is a common problem around the world nowadays and is a…

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Online Exclusive: Daniel Maidman Muses: Part 1. Manou

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Daniel Maidman, Manou’s Pressing Hand, pencil on paper, 15”x11”, 2018 Daniel Maidman JENN SINGER GALLERY Apr 25th – May 31st Online Exclusive By JON SOARD, May 2018 Twenty-first Century Figurative drawing is quickly being recognized as a specific period in art. It is generally perceived to be a reaction to over-intellectualized visuals and a reconnection of contemporary culture to corporeal meaning. Muses: Part 1, Manou, at Jenn Singer Gallery, is an example, a solo virtual exhibition[1] of new drawings by Brooklyn-based artist and widely published author Daniel Maidman, best known for his figurative works on paper. The actual artwork is also accessible by appointment and worth the trouble. At first glance, the convenience of a virtual “gallery” format is a pristine view of immaculately rendered human forms. The drawings are graphite and white pencil rendered on fine paper such as B.F.K. Reeves, tan, or dark, gunmetal gray. Unfortunately, they are…

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Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time

  The latest research is debunking current knowledge about evolution. After studying 5 million genetic barcodes, scientists found 90 percent of species on Earth may have emerged around the same time as humans.  ( Lars Plougmann | Flickr ) Landmark new research that involves analyzing millions of DNA barcodes has debunked much about what we know today about the evolution of species. In a massive genetic study, senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University Mark Stoeckle and University of Basel geneticist David Thaler discovered that virtually 90 percent of all animals on Earth appeared at right around the same time. More specifically, they found out that 9 out of 10 animal species on the planet came to being at the same time as humans did some 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. "This conclusion is very surprising," says Thaler, "and I fought against it as hard…

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37 Million Bees Found Dead After Planting Large GMO Corn Field

  Millions of bees dropped dead after GMO corn was planted few weeks ago in Ontario, Canada. The local bee keeper, Dave Schuit who produces honey in Elmwood lost about 37 million bees which are about 600 hives. “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” Schuit said. While many bee keepers blame neonicotinoids, or “neonics.” for colony collapse of bees and many countries in EU have banned neonicotinoid class of pesticides, the US Department of Agriculture fails to ban insecticides known as neonicotinoids, manufactured by Bayer CropScience Inc. Two of Bayer’s best-selling pesticides, Imidacloprid and Clothianidin, are known to get into pollen and nectar, and can damage beneficial insects such as bees. The marketing of these drugs also coincided with the occurrence of large-scale bee deaths in many European countries and the United States. Nathan Carey another local farmer says that this spring he…

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How Gut Bacteria Tell Their Hosts What to Eat

By suppressing or increasing cravings, microbes help the brain decide what foods the body “needs” Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Lactobacillus bacteria. Credit: Steven Gschmeissner Getty Images Scientists have known for decades that what we eat can change the balance of microbes in our digestive tracts. Choosing between a BLT sandwich or a yogurt parfait for lunch can increase the populations of some types of bacteria and diminish others—and as their relative numbers change, they secrete different substances, activate different genes and absorb different nutrients. And those food choices are probably a two-way street. Gut microbes have also been shown to influence diet and behavior as well as anxiety, depression, hypertension and a variety of other conditions. But exactly how these trillions of tiny guests—collectively called the microbiome—influence our decisions on which foods to stuff into our mouths has been a mystery. Now neuroscientists have found that specific types of…

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Study Addresses ‘Too Many Too Soon?’ Vaccine Concerns

March 29, 2013 Today, the Journal of Pediatrics published the first major study to look specifically at a possible link between autism and increasing exposure to the immune-stimulating compounds in early childhood vaccines. The researchers analyzed the vaccination and medical records of more than a thousand children in three managed care organizations. They totaled each child’s exposure to the immune-stimulating compounds, or antigens, in vaccines up to age 2. (Vaccines vary in the amount of antigens they contain.) The researchers also totaled the maximum exposure to vaccine antigens that each child received in any single day. They then tracked the children’s development through at least age 6. They found no link between increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and higher exposures to vaccine antigens in the first two years of life or on any one day. More specifically, they looked for associations with regressive autism. This subtype of autism…

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How To Cultivate Your Inner Everyday Hero

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  By RYOT Studio Leonardo De La Cuesta via Getty Images 440 When we hear stories of people paying it forward, or unexpected acts of kindness between strangers, we tend to spread the word, as with a fairy tale shared across generations. When we witness a friend, coworker or neighbor stand up for justice, it can be tempting to put that person on a pedestal. But in a world that needs dignity and integrity more urgently than ever, there’s no time for idealized values. It’s time to cultivate them now, in reality. In partnership with Dignity Health, we spoke with experts on kindness and mindfulness about how to do this in ways small and large. If you ever wonder about the most effective ways to show compassion, or how to incorporate courage and advocacy into your routine, you’re in good company. By applying these insights for cultivating your inner everyday…

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Magic mushrooms can ‘reset’ depressed brain

  By James Gallaghe Health and science reporter, BBC News website 14 October 2017 A hallucinogen found in magic mushrooms can "reset" the brains of people with untreatable depression, raising hopes of a future treatment, scans suggest. The small study gave 19 patients a single dose of the psychedelic ingredient psilocybin. Half of patients ceased to be depressed and experienced changes in their brain activity that lasted about five weeks. However, the team at Imperial College London says people should not self-medicate. There has been a series of small studies suggesting psilocybin could have a role in depression by acting as a "lubricant for the mind" that allows people to escape a cycle of depressive symptoms. But the precise impact it might be having on brain activity was not known. Image copyright Getty Images The team at Imperial performed fMRI brain scans before treatment with psilocybin and then the day…

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