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Back-drop and lights setup

Art Studio for photography, open-drawing sessions & all workshops

New art workshop and photo studio:

My dream is to establishing an artistic community, full-filing artists’ desires for creativity, insuring a safe environment freeing creativity processes & providing satisfactory returns for everyone.

This space is more than just a photography studio. It can host drawing sessions, workshops of art, Yoga classes and much more. Do not hesitate to shoot me a message HERE  for any ideas you have. You will get a great deal!

This studio offers:

  • Large Bay-window for natural light and stylized pictures
  • Side-small window for natural light
  • Black & white curtains with French Baroque motif
  • Dedicated in-&-out main entrance door
  • Own half-bath room
  • Changing room
  • Oriental-setup living room
  • Fully equipped with
    • Backdrops (Choice of colors: black, white, light grey, light blue, and green)
    • Strobe light
    • Hear light
    • Reflection light with umbrellas
    • Flash
    • Canon camera
    • Full-motion camera tripod
    • Set of 4 remote camera-flash triggers


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